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Adventure Camp 2025 First In LineCouncil Coordinated Meeting Reservation - Febuary 2025

Scouter Conference

Scouter Conference
Camp Lakota, 2180 Ginter Rd
Defiance, OH 43512, US
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You are invited to attend our Scouters Conference Saturday, April 26, 2025, at Camp Lakota, Defiance, OH 45840 in Cooper Lodge.  

The Council Annual Meeting is part of the Scouters Conference, which will include a Council Key 3 meeting, Council Coordinated Meeting, Council Recognition Luncheon and Executive Board Meeting.

The Council Annual Meeting takes place during the Annual Recognition Luncheon, where this year’s class of Silver Beavers will be presented. Election of Council Members-at-Large and Executive Board Members for 2025-2026 will occur at this meeting. Chartered Organization Representatives, Council Members-at-Large and Executive Board Members, are voting members of the Council for this election.

Dan Meffley has been appointed as the nominating committee chair by the council executive board.

If you have comments or suggestions for nominations of either Council Members-at-Large or Executive Board Members, please contact Nominating Chairman, Dan prior to March 25, 2025.

Contact E-mail


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356